ACL and knee replacement: A partial knee replacement or knee arthroscopy to replace damaged bone and cartilage with an artificial implant. The healthy cartilage bone and ligaments surrounding the knee remain intact. This procedure is only suitable for people with arthritis limited to a single compartment in their knee. This is because the rest of the knee must be strong enough to support the partial replacement.
A partial arthroplasty is suitable for one in four people with knee osteoarthritis and can be highly effective. However, like with any surgery, there are benefits and risks.
Now that we have deciphered the definition of partial knee replacement let’s discuss its benefits.
A partial knee recovery means a reduced recovery time.
A partial knee replacement is considered a minimally invasive procedure because a partial knee surgeon can usually replace the affected area without making a large cut. Compared to a total knee replacement, patients face a much shorter stay in hospital — usually just a couple of days and typically recover faster overall. You’ll likely experience pain and swelling in your knee as you recover, but your knee consultant may prescribe pain relief and anti-inflammatories to help you cope. ACL Sparing knee replacement: a procedure enabled at YK Orthopaedics.
However, that’s not to say recovery from a partial knee replacement is quick and easy! After having this operation, you can expect to use crutches for three to four weeks. You’ll also need physiotherapy treatment for up to six months to help rebuild the strength in your knee.
A Partial knee replacement recovery carries a lot less risk.
All surgeries carry risks, but because a partial knee replacement is a minor operation, the complication risk is much lower than a total knee replacement.
In addition to the rare complications of going under anaesthesia, some complications are associated explicitly with knee surgery. These include:
- Infection of the wound
- Unexpected bleeding into the knee joint
- Ligament damage in the area around the knee joint
- Persistent knee pain.
A partial knee replacement is less expensive than a total knee replacement.
ACL tear knee replacement: If you’re considering a partial knee replacement, the cost may affect your decision. If you’re eligible, partial arthroplasty costs less than a total knee replacement because it’s less invasive and has a shorter recovery time.
Now that we have discussed the benefits of a partial knee replacement let’s also discuss the disadvantages.
|CON: A partial knee implant won’t last forever
Implants are designed to last long, but no implant will last forever. Over time, the materials gradually wear out. Until recently, only people aged 60 and over were eligible for a partial knee replacement. Now, though, this surgery is increasingly an option for younger patients with severe osteoarthritis.
You can expect your partial knee replacement to last around ten years. Total knee replacements have a much longer life — around 25 years but only if there’s a good knee replacement surgeon in Gurgaon.
CON: Your osteoarthritis can get worse
The other con of a partial knee replacement is that it doesn’t completely stop osteoarthritis. You’ll still have healthy cartilage and ligaments, and continued use over the years can cause these to deteriorate, too. Ankle arthroscopy is among one of the procedures Orthoaedics specialise in and may be your requirement.
Conclusion: Now that we have read and understood the pros and cons of partial knee replacement surgery, before proceeding, we also need to remember to go to the right clinic/hospital, which has the right updated tools, years of experience, and equipment, like that of YK Orthopaedics. Surgery, like partial knee replacement, lasts longer than significant side effects. In particular, YK Orhtopaedics specialises extensively within Orthopaedics, and also enables Rotator cuff surgery.