
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Myths, Facts, Diagnosis and Treatment

Introduction: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is the most common nerve compression resulting in significant pain, suffering, time off from work, and ultimately surgery. It is caused by pressure on the median nerve in the wrist’s Carpal Tunnel. At YK Orthopaedics, Ankle arthroscopy ranks among one of the procedures available for patients. The Carpal Tunnel is the narrow passageway surrounded by bones and ligaments on the palm side of the hand. When the median nerve is compressed, symptoms can include numbness, tingling, and weakness in the thumb and fingers. But let’s study some myths about diagnosing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and getting the proper treatment. 

ACL and knee replacement: procedure at YK Orthopaedic.

  • Myth #1Keyboards are the most significant cause of Carpal Tunnel

It is crucial to understand that the definition of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is that it comes from any repeated moment. But this does not necessarily mean typing on a keyboard or playing the piano is more likely to give you these symptoms. Riding a bike, driving a car, playing sports, and writing notes all involve repeated hand motions, which could ultimately lead to Carpal Tunnel.

  • Myth#2: Carpal Tunnel Damage lasts forever. 

This is 1 of the biggest myths around the subject. The Carpal Tunnel injury doesn’t have to last a lifetime. If the symptoms of Carpal Tunnel get noticed early enough, starting an assertive treatment plan can keep the body from getting damaged permanently. On the other hand, the more extended Carpal Tunnel injury continues to grow undetected, the more difficult it becomes to treat. It is untreated Carpal Tunnel syndrome, which can eventually lead to long-term pain and stiffness in the hands.YK Orthopaedic actively seeks to ensure patients are able to access the best Orthopaedic solutions, including Robotic hip replacement.

  • Myth#3: Carpal Tunnel only affects the hands

Even though the hand is the part of the body most affected by Carpal Tunnel, it doesn’t mean it is the only part. Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel can exist anywhere from the neck to the shoulder to the arms to the tips of the fingers. Although it usually results in pain in the hands and wrists, it is by no means isolated to that part of the body alone.

  • Myth#4: It only hurts when using your hands

The symptoms of Carpal Tunnel syndrome can happen at any time. Primary Compression on the Carpal Tunnel nerve can result in a lot of pain, which is just as likely to occur while using your hands in the middle of the night. Cadaver ACL replacement is among the various treatments at YK Orthopaedic. 

  • Myth#5: There is no permanent treatment

A lot of folks believe that surgery is the only way to fix Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and that it’s a costly and intensive operation. There are several other treatments that doctors would try with you before recommending surgery as a last resort. Physical therapy and over-the-counter pain medications will work to reduce the pain and increase flexibility over time. 

ACL tear knee replacement: Patients are availed the opportunity to carry out the procedure at YK Orthopaedics, via having the ability & comfort of being able to utilise a trusted and skilled surgeon. 

Treatment: Once the symptoms start, it’s best to treat Carpal Tunnel syndrome as early as possible. Depending on how early it is diagnosed, two treatment options are available.

Nonsurgical Treatment: If the diagnosis is performed in the early stages, then the surgery can be avoided through some nonsurgical treatments. 

  1. Wrist Splinting: A splint that holds the wrist still while you sleep can help relieve nighttime symptoms of tingling and numbness. Even if you only wear the splint at night, it can help prevent daytime symptoms. 
  2. Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs: NSAIDs such as ibuprofen may help relieve pain from carpal tunnel syndrome in the short term. 
  3. Corticosteroids: Your healthcare professional may inject the carpal tunnel with a corticosteroid medicine, such as cortisone, to relieve pain—total knee replacement after ACL reconstruction.

Surgery: If symptoms get severe and do not respond to other medication or treatment, then surgery can be an appropriate option. 

  1. Endoscopic Surgery: A surgeon uses a telescope-like device with a tiny camera to see inside the carpal tunnel. The surgeon cuts the ligament through one or two small incisions in the hands or wrist. 
  2. Open Surgery: A surgeon makes a cut, also called an incision, in the palm over the Carpal Tunnel and cuts through the ligament to free the tunnel.

Conclusion: It’s easy to find many myths surrounding a tear like Carpal Tunnel. But it’s crucial to analyze and diagnose it in time for preventive measures and to avoid any prolonged injury. At ORTHOPAEDICS, Dr Yugal Kakhur, along with his team of experts, works around the clock to ensure that patients get the best treatment, including rotator cuff surgery.