Ankle Sprains: The most common reason for missed athletic participation
Ankle sprains can be classified as an injury that occurs when an individual rolls, twists or turns their ankle in the incorrect way. This stretches or causes the tough tissue bands to tear that help hold the bones in the ankle together. Ligaments help in the stabilization of joints, preventing an individual from indulging in excessive movement. An ankle sprain occurs when the ligaments are forced beyond the normal motion range. A majority of the sprained ankles involve injuries caused to the ligaments on the outer part of the ankle.
The treatment for a sprained ankle
The treatment is dependent on the severity of an injury. Effective self-care measures and Over the Counter medications for pain are important. A medical evaluation is necessary for revealing the intensity of the ankle sprain which helps determine the right treatment option. Ankle sprains are one of the most common twisting injuries caused to an ankle which are the most common cause for lack of athletic participation. Diagnosis can be done clinically with ecchymosis and swelling in the ankle and pain while in motion. In certain situations, radiographs can also be indicated. The treatment for an ankle sprain includes a brief immobilization period followed by an early physical therapy (functional). Only in rare cases is operative management indicated, for example in case of chronic type of ankle instability with recurrently occurring sprains. The non-operative treatments for ankle sprains include RICE, an elastic wrap for minimizing swelling, followed by therapy. Also, early immobilization facilitates a better recovery.
Rehabilitation programs emphasizing on the use of therapeutic exercise help restore joint motion, gain back muscle strength, improve the neuro-muscular coordination have proven to be clinically successful for patients who are suffering from ankle and foot pathologies of different types. Strengthening exercises must be started once the pain and swelling is controlled. In the initial phase, plantar flexion strength and dorsiflexion must be focused on. Squats is another excellent example of a strength-building exercise. With the healing of the ligaments, eversion and inversion strengthening must also be added.
Depending upon the ankle sprain severity, fear avoidance potentially causes an athlete to alter their play and be at a high-risk of injury or reinjury in another location in the body. Also, there can be a need to recondition certain sport-specific skills. For effective management of ankle sprains, consult Dr Yugal today!