Knee Replacement Surgery

Synopsis For patients who have undergone ACL reconstruction, the prospect of requiring a total knee replacement later on can be daunting. This blog delves into the scenarios where total knee replacement after ACL reconstruction might become necessary. We'll discuss how knee

The knee is a complex and vital joint in the human body, facilitating essential movements from walking to running. The meniscus is central to the knee's functionality, a C-shaped cartilage that cushions and stabilises the joint. Meniscus tears, a common

Undergoing Total Knee Replacement (TKR) is a substantial step towards resolving chronic knee issues and enhancing life quality. However, the surgery is just the beginning of a patient's journey towards full recovery. Physiotherapy is a critical aspect of this journey,

Total Knee Replacement (TKR) is undeniably a transformative surgical procedure for those burdened with chronic knee pain or disability. However, the surgery is just the first step in a long path to full recovery. Physiotherapy has proven to be an

Running is a popular form of exercise, offering numerous health benefits such as improved cardiovascular fitness, weight management, and mental well-being. However, running injuries are common, often resulting from training errors. This blog will explore the most prevalent running injuries,