
Your Guide to Preventing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a condition where the median nerve becomes compressed at the wrist, causing pain and numbness in hand. This usually happens due to repetitive tasks requiring using the hands for long periods. If left untreated, CTS can cause permanent damage to the nerves, leading to other serious health conditions such as arthritis.

 Carpal tunnel is a common condition affecting the carpal bones, tendons and ligaments. The median nerve runs through this area, and pressure on these structures can result in symptoms like tingling, numbness or pain in the fingers and palm.

There are several ways to prevent CTS. These include keeping your wrists straight, maintaining good posture and avoiding repetitive movements. Additionally, wearing appropriate ergonomic tools and equipment can reduce stress on the body.

Here are some tips to follow:

Stretching: Try this simple stretch during your breaks (or at any point during the day):

Form a fist

Raise your fingers till they are straight out.

5-10 times more

Or how about this:

Form a fist

Let go of your fingers and spread them wide. Extend them as far as possible.

5-10 times more

Take small breaks: Take a break from your task to stretch or bend your hands. Every hour, a 10- to 15-minute break is good. This is especially vital if you work with items that vibrate or need a lot of power.

Switch your movements: Avoid repeating the same hand and wrist actions. For example, if you normally do something with your right hand, try doing it with your left. Alternatively, vary your jobs as much as possible to give your muscles a break.

Posture: However, it’s natural to concentrate on your wrists and hands; how you hold the rest of your body can also have an impact. Your shoulders may drift forward as a result of poor posture. This causes a chain reaction that shortens your neck and shoulder muscles, crunches your neck nerves, and aggravates wrist issues.

Lose your hold: We become so accustomed to doing things one way that we don’t even think about it. Many times, you may use more force than is necessary to complete the task. For example, you could grip your instruments too firmly when a firm grip is sufficient. Alternatively, you might pound your computer keyboard when moderate keystrokes are enough.

Keep an eye on how stiff your hands are and how much pressure you apply to them throughout the day. Your hands and wrists will reward you if you can ease off even somewhat.


If you have swelling in your wrist, this tunnel is constricted and compresses your median nerve, causing discomfort.

There is no one foolproof strategy to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome. However, reducing tension and pressure on your hands and wrists as much as possible may help to prevent it from worsening.

If you are still experiencing stiffness or pain after medication and treatment from other medical professionals, consult Dr Yugal for comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation. For an appointment, call on +91 8851376606.  

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