
joint injury

Overtraining and reasons to avoid it

Training the body is an essential part of everyday’s life, but what if it goes unlimited? Sometimes, going the extra mile isn’t what your body asks for! While trying to overreach, one ends up going worse- overtraining!

Many athletes overtrain to push a little harder on days when the body is asking for rest. There are many dangers associated with aerobic exercises when the movement becomes too fast. A very common problem amongst athletes is an ankle sprain, but overtraining can give rise to more dangers related to muscle and bone health. Keeping the training enthusiasm high is good, but not at the cost of your body and health.

Lifting extra heavyweight without expert guidance can lead to back pain, joint injury and others. 

Extra Weights and Arthritis

Arthritis is the inflammation of one or more joints resulting in unusual discomfort, stiffness and pain. When you put the pressure on your body to lift more than its strength endurance, it results in arthritis. The situation gets worse with growing age, especially when you enter your 40’s. 

Joints and repetitive movements

Putting extra pressure on sore muscles is another reason for joint stiffness. With time, the joints can become stiff troubling healthy movements. 

Weight lifting can be a boon for joint health when done right. Lifting too heavy weights without guidance often results in wrong postures resulting in muscle and joint pain that can pave the way for long-term consequences when avoided. 

How important is stretching?

A stretching session before and after the workout is not an option but a mandatory step. This step helps in preventing soreness, joint pain and related injuries. Whichever muscle group you are working on, stretches focusing on them is crucial. Dedicating 10 minutes to a good stretching session can solve so many problems. 

What are the signs of overtraining?

If you are overtraining, the following are the signs that you need to observe:

  • Recurring pain in one specific area
  • You are exhausted all day without reason
  • Lower body or spine discomfort 
  • The heart rate at rest is higher than normal
  • Muscle and joint soreness

Exercise is medicine, but when consumed in limitless proportion, it can result in disease, leaving long term effects. You put yourself at the risk of harming your cervical spine and clearing ways for disc bulges.

Thus, following a good training routine with apt rest days is the right thing to sustain maximum benefits. 

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